Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Useful Shops

So I had to get some a passport photo done for the IND office. Did not imagine that finding a photo shop would have been such a task. I was adivsed to get it done professionally as there are rules for these official photos and failure to submit proper photo will delay processing of application. So after two hours of asking folks all across Rotterdam Central, I went to City Hall and they directed me here. Click map below. I got about 7 photos done in 5 minutes for 9 Euros You have two options: Kijkshop or Foto Van de Graaf. I have not verified this but you have a photo booth at Central Station and one a Erasmus which I am told are cheaper so feel free to check it out.

If you are not at IHS and you need to make copies or print a document you may locate such a shop very close by. Or if you are not inclined to buy phone credit online and prefer a store (as some students have said, as strange as I find that). BUT it is very very important to say that that printing services are significantly cheaper at IHS so chose this option as a last resort. Click on map below for directions.

Erasmsus Library Fines

Just a word of caution. Loans at the Erasmsus library are for three weeks. You may however renew these loans for an additional three weeks if no one as requested they be reserved for them. Should you fail to do so, you will be fined. Normally, a reminder is sent to your Erna email account but many of us tend not to check regularly so be careful.

The charges are as follows and additional info can be found at:
1st recall € 0.50
2nd recall € 0.75
3rd recall € 1.50
4th recall € 2.50
Bill for replacement costs: €25 administrative expenses + €50 replacement cost per book + recall costs = minimum charge of €80.25

A bit of anecdotal information. I left for my thesis research and got stuck in Jamaica for 6 weeks. I had taken some library books with me. There is no official rule barring a student from doing this but as other students were in need of some of the books it took some doing to get the 75 euros waived so I just thought I would advise against it.

All the best.

Erasmus Library

Collection profile
The University Library (UL) of EUR is a typical social science library. Having started as a collection of materials about the economy, it has expanded into a collection about all processes in society:

  • How do we earn a living? Economy
  • How do we deal with one another? Social Sciences
  • What kinds of mutual agreements do we have? Law (from international to domestic)
  • How do we improve these processes? Public and Business Administration.

Okay that's what the Erasmsus Library website says. What I'll say is that this library is of no match for the IHS library collection that specializes in urban development and housing issues. However, there are always additional supportive material that can be found here. I for one was very impressed with the number of books on my home country - Jamaica, authored by Jamaicans that I must confess are not so easily accessible back home but were accessible at EUR. So its definitely worth exploring.

The HOT TIP O' DI DAY is..... when you need a book of course you do a search. This is how.

  1. Go to and click on the English flag at the top right corner for that Language. Or just save this setting on your favourites to take you to english directly

  2. Click library at the top of the page.

  3. Go to the option UL Catalogue under the Search Option - see image below.

  4. Do your search, select book of choice and then hit REQUEST at bottom of page.

  5. When the next page opens put in your library number. You find that on your library card - 8 numbers. Your password is usually the first three letters of your surname.

  6. On the next page that opens, select the request option in the grey box.

  7. Your book will be ready for pick up in 15 minutes after the request is made by the Circulation Desk on the ground floor of the Library, present your card and collect your book. TEN BOOKS MAXIMUM ARE ALLOWED FOR LOAN AT ANY ONE TIME.

You can do this while in class on your laptop, or at home before you head to IHS or anywhere via a computer. They will hold that book in reserve for you for that day before someone else can claim it. If the book is not available you may select RESERVE and as soon as it is returned an email is sent to your account to advise you.

Well there you have it. Easy as cheesy. CHEERS!!

Research Tips

Hi Everyone
So you are full throttle into research for term papers, course papers and coming up to the big one ....THESIS RESEARCH. Well just a quick suggestion on one source that was very helpful to UMD 5. I am sure some have already stumbled across it but there might be those who have not. This very helpful source is GOOGLE BOOKS!!

Google Books is a web site created by Google that has uploaded and impressive number of books on this site that can not only be viewed but will allow you to search using certain key words. Over the course of a year I have accessed and referenced 117 books. Before you begin its best i tell you most of these books only allow a limited view of the literature but some do allow you to read the entire book. The good thing is even a "limited view" still offers up much information. Follow steps below and see image at end of page.

  1. Head to and at the top are all the various google sites.

  2. To maximise this site it will require that you have a Google Account...which usually requires a google email. Set that up and you are good to go.

  3. Click on MORE and select BOOKS.

  4. Plug in a search....hmmm lets try "infrastructure" hmmm too general. Lets try urban infrastructure. Yah much better.

  5. Select a book, take a peek and if you like you can read on or save it in YOUR LIBRARY. This option should be at the top right of the screen.

  6. After a while your libary is gonna grow, making it hard to find the books you saved and even forgot you saved. So you might want to add LABELS which will make it easier to find the books you want.

  7. Add labels by clicking on MY LIBRARY at the top, right corner. All your saved books show up and you simply click "add labels" and think of words that will remind you of what this book is about and think of about three with commas in between. Then click save.

  8. If you look on the right side of the page you can now see all your labels and an easier way to access your materials.

I found this an invaluable resource. Most times after locating a book I then turn to the Erasmus library website to see its available. I then reserved it while at home and pick up tomorrow for deeper study. Do not underestimate this resource and have fun. Cheers.


Greetings UMD

I should have said that well much time has passed and UMD 5 has graduated. I believe 8 of us graduated with distinctions and no one failed so we're pretty proud of the year that has passed. We've all been keeping in touch via facebook and its been wonderful seeing each other back on our home turf and pictures of their families and life in the different countries.

For the blog I will continue to try to fulfill the objective as described on the first page and hope it will be of help to the present group of UMD 6 and beyond. It goes without saying that since I was not able to keep up with this page as I would have liked then I its a pretty intensive course and it keeps you on your toes. But I am glad that I am still here in Rotterdam and will be able to make good on this idea that came to mind just about one year ago. Keep reading and keep coming back now.


IND Risjwijk Office

Hello Everyone

Today I figured we'd make it a bit easier for you to find the offices of the IND which you're probably going to need if you ever have to deal with travel permits, residence permits and for those of you who decide to remain and work in the Netherlands this is where you will need to go for such permit extensions etc.

I have decided to remain for awhile to pursue doctoral studies. Its been a bit overwhelming to figure out the HOW so i 'll be sure to update the blog so you might have it a bit easier should you decide the same. But for now it starts with getting what we call a "search year" permit for "highly skilled immigrants". Yes its really for studies but as I am not yet accepted in any programme this was the only option. By the way, the cost was 331 Euros. I did not anticipate that so its good to know early. More to follow .

So below is a map of how to get there. Just remember when you get out of the station. Head to the front not the back like i did. Turn right and you'll find the building at the very next juncture on the right. Its only a 5 minute walk so don't take the tram. Cost from Rotterdam to Risjwijk 7.4 Euros and of course its 40% less if you have a discount card. The address is 293 Sir Winston Churchilllaan 2288 DC Rijswijk. All the best.
